Q: That's quite an outfit there, Woman. It ...
A: It's nothing. You should see the rest of my wardrobe.
Q: I'd like to, but something tells me that this interview would never get done ...
A: Don't flatter yourself, scribe. I never mix business with pleasure.
Q: No ... no, I meant that it would probably take a long time to see all of it.
A: Well, you're probably right about that. In addition to my salary increase, I negotiated a clothing allowance when I came to WCW.
Q: How much?
A: Let's just say it's probably more than you make in a year ... or two.
Q: Is it more than Elizabeth gets?
A: Interesting question. Let's just say I'm proud of what Elizabeth has done. I'd like to think I had something to do with her change in "attitude," as you writers like to call it. But even Elizabeth needs a lot more than clothes to look better than me. Honestly now, do you think Elizabeth is better looking than me?
Q: I really don't want to play "mirror, mirror" and get in the middle of that debate. Besides, I'm the one who's supposed to be asking the questions. How did you and Elizabeth become enemies? And how can you be on the same side now?
A: She was jealous-gee, Elizabeth jealous, imagine that-of the fact that I was getting more attention and TV time with my alliance with Ric Flair. Deep down, she knew that she could never compete with me when she was with Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan, so she did the smart thing and joined me. I think we all know that she doesn't have the ring savvy or know-how that I do to affect the outcome of matches, but I'm working with her. She's getting better.
Q: Is there any friction between the two of you?
A: Don't you go trying to stir up trouble now. The best thing to say about Elizabeth is that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what she did-she joined us. But she knows who is second banana. If you don't believe me, ask Ric Flair. And let me tell you something else: If I ever find out she's even thinking about running back to those two overgrown oafs, begging for forgiveness, there will be hell to pay. She'll have to deal with me.
Q: You don't exactly sound like you respect her that much.
A: She has a long way to go before she'll earn all my respect and trust, but she's headed in the right direction. And she knows the pecking order.
Q: What is it that you do for Ric Flair that she can't?
A: Let me put it this way: When she was with Savage in the past, she was nothing more than a showpiece, a trophy for her man to display. (In voice-over imitation) How much would you pay for all this? Don't answer. Because with the championship belt, you also get this beauty who will never leave your side and pretend to be loyal until you lose the belt. I'm changing all that. I'm working on her new image.
Q: Explain.

Elizabeth and Woman A: In the '80s, Elizabeth got as far as she could by being the good little girl who stood at ringside and did as she was told and never misbehaved. Now she's finding out what's it like to be a real independent woman. I'm not a good little girl. I never was.
Q: You mentioned her loyalty before. But what about your loyalty?
A: Wait a minute, flash. I wasn't finished answering the other question. You asked what I bring that she doesn't. Like I said, she went as far as she could with Savage-and that was pretty far, I admit-but what does she know about wrestling? The sport is in my blood. How do you think I got this gig in the first place? In ECW, I took The Sandman, a cigarette-smoking, beer-guzzling nobody, and I put him on top of one of the most toughest promotions in the country. I kept him there. Everyone who knows anything about this sport knows that I'm much more than a pretty face. Just ask Ric Flair.
Q: Okay, fine, now that that's out of the way, what about your loyalty? What about Sandman, who you just left in lurch? What about all the other wrestlers you've left behind to advance your own career?
A: Why don't you go ask Sandman if he thought he was getting into a lifetime partnership? He knew all the time that what we had could stop at any time. He also knew that I could make him the champion that he wanted to be. Plus, he has something to shoot for. He can prove to ECW that I wasn't the reason behind his success. If he wins the belt back, then I guess my influence wasn't as strong as everybody thinks. But my influence, however strong, was there./ There's no doubt about that. He probably would have been out of wrestling right now and making fries in a Burger King somewhere if I hadn't rescued his career and made him a champion.
Q: So that's your explanation for your lack of loyalty?
A: You guys have it all wrong. I never told any of my wrestlers that I would be loyal to the end. They all knew from the start that it would be a nice run while it lasted. Neither one of us knew how long the run would last, but we both knew it wouldn't be forever. There's always greener pastures, something more to strive for.
Q: So ...
A: So, nothing. I give my wrestlers money, power, influence, and usually a championship belt or two. In return, I get a percentage of their purses, prestige, and valuable exposure as one of the top managers in the sport. In short, anybody who trusts me is a fool.
Q: Including Ric Flair?
A: Ric Flair has been in this sport a long time. He knows better than anybody that the relationship between a wrestler and a manager is a fleeting one at best. He's helping me, and I'm helping him and the rest of The Four Horsemen and their friends. But we both know that we have ulterior motives.
Q: So if one day he wakes up and decides to dump you?
A: I'll move on. I'll land on my feet. I always do. That was Elizabeth's problem for a long time. She wanted to be around Hogan and Savage and never considered anyone else.
Q: How close are you to Flair right now?
A: That's really none of your business. Let's just say we work together very closely, but we respect each other's space as well. Remember, Flair is one of the most successful wrestlers of all-time, and he's done most of that on his own, his way. I'm the most successful female manager of all-time, and I've done most of that my way as well. We don't talk about it, but we both know it.
Q: What about when you slapped him a few months ago?
A: That was before he knew what I was all about. He tried to talk down to me and manipulate me the same way he has with most women who have cuddled up to him. He knows that most of them have had ulterior motives. And I let him know right there that I'm not like most women.
Q: Then who are you?
A: I'm not another woman, or the other woman. I'm Woman. And you and all of WCW will hear me roar.